Photo for attention only. That's me and my elder boy many years ago while we were on our way to a field trip with his school. Wow, just WOW. Was just surfing the net before starting work and got this urge to look for all my past blogs. I was both amazed and amused. Life was actually that simple, that easy and that... naive? I enjoy blogging, enjoy telling stories of my life and most importantly I find that I love talking to myself. I find it funny and amusing. When I looked back, it was all fond memories of my childhood! After 14 years, I'm back at blogging again. This time round, I'm no longer that simple minded, easy and carefree Poly student. I'm now 32 years old with a family and two lovely boys. Boys who drove me crazy time and time again. Financially, physically and mentally taxing me, worrying about different things in life. Life was that simple... I miss being less angry, less frustrated and less worrying. During this 14 years, my life has changed so mu...