a shopping day

LOLs. yes, i went JOHN LITTLE sale at EXPO hall 6 with my mom. we were suppose to buy some LADIES' stuffs. but the things are CHEAP! and we shop shop shop, take take take and only to realised we'd spent $260 at the counter. no choice, my MOM has to pay for it. and luckily, she got a $120 voucher. LOLs. i bought 3 ladies' stuffs (from trimph), one sunglasses, one bottle of perfume, one surf pants, one long pants, one tights. LOLs!

then, home`ed. rest for a while and went to pets' safari with mom to buy xue er's POO POOO tray. it was CHEAP. LOLs. 8.50 bucks only. LOLs.

came back, sleep a while, went out for dinner. and HOME`ed.

i misses school! I MISS the way i sleep in class and got scolded by mrs chan! i miss the time when i talk and talk and talk in class and got caught by mrs wong. i miss the way ms ng glared at me when i talk and talk and talk non-stop in her lesson. i miss mr lim bringing us, the monkeys down for PE and he played captain with us. i miss gg up to the white board to do maths questions by mr muhammad. i miss ms tay gg through the chem notes with us, and me, will ACT as if im listening although im NOT. i miss taking out my handphone in science lab when mrs poh was infront and i'll press, press and press! i miss gg recess with my sweeties. i miss gathering around to talk and disperse within a min when mrs tay walk pass.

i never knew school was great after i started working. LOLs! anyway, life have to move on! =) miss school too? tag my blog! =)


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