a wonderful day out with bestie =)
HAHA. US BEING LAME. so, know where we went?
YA! its VIVO!
YA, its my first time there. dun laugh. its not im a turtle. it juz tt i DUN WANT to squeeze with ppl. LOLs. i had a LLLLOOOONNNGGG day there and ENJOYED myself every second! =)
first, christine and i almost forgotten to alight at outram. LOLs! luckily, we rushed out of the train juz in time. lols! then, transferred train and PROOOOFF! we're in VIVO. WOW! its HUGE! the two of us, reached there at bout 12+ and KIASU`ly, went to GV and bought a movie ticket for CHARLOTTE's WEB at 4.20pm. LOLS! then, while waiting for the time to pass, we went to had our Brunch ( breakfast + lunch) at ThaiExpress. IT WAS FABULOUS! the tom yam soup was YUMMY! =DDD after Brunch, we went shopping. bought two pair of earrings, a pouch, a "string" and stickers for my camera. LOLs! juz about 3 hours later. tt lousy christine can't tahan anymore and we went to the coffee company and REST. LOLs! took many pictures then.
went toys r us AND PLAYED. LOLs! then, went in to the movie. the story is exactly the same lyk my sec one literature textbook Charlotte's Web. it WORTH my 8 bucks! =DDDDDDD then HOME`ed now.
i nvr shop lyk today before! with money around, WAHAHAH! nothing is impossible! =)) and and and. I SAW A OP BAG! its beautiful. IM GETTING IT! until i got my next pay ='(( LOLs!
wahah, overall, I ENJOYED TODAY. =DDD