Holidays OVER!

anyway, i brought Claire, one of the poor sister, out ytd to East Coast Park and then, to my grandma house and stayed overnight there. everything was fine and we enjoyed ourselves at ECP with one of my primary school friend, Denise. we built sand castles, played water and blew bubbles. took ALOT of photos and lame`ed all the way. then, we went to Simei, my house and played with doggy and proceed to my grandma house. by the time we board the bus, Claire fall asleep. i woke her up and told her tt she's going to my grandma house to spend the night there. unexpectly, she cried very loudly, and refuse to go. no choice, i asked for help. called evelyn and went to a baby arcade at bugis with yuren. claired calm herself and played NON-STOP. it was 9+ pm then. LOLs. i was DEAD BEAT and decided to cab home. till then, i din mention to her tt we're gg to my grandma house. LOLs.
reached grandma house and she looked fine. =) greeted my grandparents and aunt, bathed her and off she goes, to LALA land. UNEXPECTLY again, she NEVER cry. this morning, she woke up happily and went to have breakfast with my aunt and me. then home`ed and played. my grandpa asked her if she wants to stay there and she said yes. LOLs! i think she love the way my grandparents and aunt doted her. unlike being a big sister at home.
after tt, i brought her to VIVO to look for jasmine. then proceed to raffles place to meet minmin and evelyn. brought Claire and Evelyn's primary 3 cousin to science centre. enjoyed ourselves there. =) then brought claire home and off i am, blogging. want photos?!
This is Claire. =) Happy Childhood? *seems to be. but things were hidden inside it.
Ya la, Denise and i were also enjoying ourselves by building sand castles lah.