Pathetic Day
BOO! yeah, an extremely PATHETIC DAY for me. woke up from my dream at 6am this morning feeling stomach upset, went to the toilet, tot that all i need to is pass out everything in my intestine. but after i saw the toilet bowl, everything gashed out from my mouth. LOLS! then, tried to go back to sleep, but rushed to the toilet again. everything juz repeated itself for more than 6 times. until 10+ in the morning.
mom feels weird, and brought me to the doctor. doctor gave medicine and said its stomach gas only. so, i went home, took the medicine and slept. a while later, my body felt sooo warm. took my own temperature and its 38.1 degree. continue sleeping again. LOLs. yar, i slept the whole day. =)))))
anyway, i wants to apologise to my dear YY. =) sorry that i always dragggg and dragggggg and dragggggggg.. cuz, was tooooo lazy to transfer to you plus im having serious financial prob now. =( but im fine now and hope you'll forgive me, my dear friend. =) IM SORRY, YY.

the powerpufff girls + professior at work =)