A Day Out
Early yesterday morning, about 9 plus, met Jasmine and Wen Bin at aljunid station and proceeded to Ngee Ann Poly to ask about some courses which Jasmine wants to appeal. Jian Cong called and said he wanna join. LOL. came along and went for lunch at Ngee Ann. The 3 of them was thinking to appeal. i was lyk, ehh... please loh, Jian Cong and Wen Bin's posting was quite okay, why wants to appeal. HAHA. i kept on emphasised "Zhi Zhu Chang Le" (be Contented) LOL. then, Jian Cong, Wen Bin and i went to SP again. SP is REALLY big. or is it the route they brought me was a looonnnngggger one?! LOL. nvm, reached the "concourse" at SP. it was totally different when compared to NP. there're still Advisor at NP to tell us more bout the courses, but at SP, there're only FORMS. LOL.
Went Bugis with Wen Bin to shopped, Mom called and told me about the IT fair at Suntec. and she needs me to buy the camera which can purchase with student price. stayed there and looked at those camera. LOL. waiting for mom to decide whether to buy or not, and which one to buy, blahh blahh blahh.. Both of us sat infront of the counter (quite far away lah) and looked sooooooooo DUMB. LOL. mom finally made a decision to buy the expensive while good one. and her 2 friends wanted it too. so, i went over to the promoter whom attended to us before and told him i want the camera. He said, "one right?" and i told him " NO. i want THREE" LOL. he was lyk, "WWWWHHHHOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH" lols. haha. i can imagine the amt of commission he earned from me. LOL. it was quite unsafe to hold 3 cameras and shopped around. so, decided to go home.
on our way out, we saw tOotZ. LOL. she still looks the same, being a promoter.
Christine had driving lesson and wants to meet me for dinner. so, on my way back, i met her at Eunos MRT station. Went to my house first and lame`ed a while, and went for dinner at East Point. Wen Bin came along too, and we had fun playing POOL and Arcade. it was REAL FUN. unexpectedly, Christine is a POOL PRO while the two of was is DUMB. LOL. so, we decided that Wen Bin and I team up to compete Christine. LOL. in the end, we still LOSE. duhh! lols. really DUMB orh?! LOL.
played some stupid Arcade games and tt basketball one. we wanna have a competition. Christine and i team up to compete against Wen Bin. LOL. WE WON. LOL. played several rounds of basketball and our hand was lyk CRAMP already. LOL.
on my way home, talked to Jasmine on the phone. anyway, hope she really made a right choice in her appeal form. after bathing, called Astro Boy and talk a while (until 2.30am) LOL.
understand more, clear doubts and realised more bout Astro Boy. and greatly, i found another best friend whom i can gash everything out.
i tend to hold back many things with some of my friends. i only told christine/jasmine EVERYTHING. really, no secrets. =) im glad to have these listening ear too. =) Christine is lyk a big sister to me. really guided me and gave me many many advices. where Jasmine bitch`ed with me and gossip lyk no body's business. i remembered that time i ran out of my house. the first person i called was Christine. and followed by Jasmine.*cuz jasmine's asleep* LOL. they really helped me, comforted me and advised me. Thanks Dudes!
