Urge to blog

well, went SATA again ytd. waited for 4 hours, till our turn for REGISTRATION.

after that, Eve and Min came my house and played. LOL.

went "TING TAI FENG" for dinner. its chinese cuisine again. haha. we're spending majority of our money on good food. =)

well, im quite pissed by someone yesterday. (eve and min should know who) why can't ** behave properly and act lyk a man?! ** worst than AUNTIES. i can't stand the way he walk, the way he talk, the way he CALL ME, the way he DID EVERYTHING. and ive enountered some EXTREME disgusting stuffs. NO WAY man. and please, i rather be an old maid lah.

kaos. really felt digusted. no way for me to hang out with him anymore. i will PUKE lah.


its saturday and ive got NO activity. they invite me to her birthday celebration but those people going aren't close with me and ive got no companion. probably, i'll skip that and hang out with others. =)

haven i said i despise GAYS especially GIRLY GUYS?


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