Tired, Mentally and Physically Tired.

Save me. Heal me. i need sleep, i need rest, i need to take a leave from everything. ive not been resting this few days. lets see...

Monday, School from 0900 to 1830. work from 1900 to 2300. home. bathe, wash, dinner, 0000. SLEEP.

Tuesday, woke up at 1100 chiong report, reach school at 1300, finish school at 1700, rush to hospital, home`ed at 2200, chiong report, slept at 0000.

Wednesday, woke up at 0730, school`ed. rush home juz to vacuume the floor, then, rush to hospital, rush to work. home at 2300, eat, bathe, slept at 0000

Today, woke up at 0730, schooled till 1700, rush to work, until 2300, eat cold dinner, prepare xueer's 10 days meal, now, blogging. i haven bathe, so i bet i can sleep before 0000 again.

tml? got camp. i really hope it'll be a nice one (:

the working weekends thingy is causing me alot of trouble. i do feel guilty. but i can't do anything! please understand me, and i know, YOU ALL WILL ((:

-Only you, you love me like you do-
in You i trust Lord, i shan't worry and rest well tonight. You'll definitely give me mighty strength to go on. You went through this too, nobody can understand me like you do. You were in my shoes and know me best! Lord Jesus, i know you're always with me, and by my side. I shall rest well with You. AMEN!


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