Beautiful Monday

well, it wasn't as beautiful in the early part of the day. ive been sooo hardworking and went to Tampines Library to study with Siti. (: and yes, i finished what i want to study. and went TM for a walk. was suppose to watch movie today, but nvm.

then, i was a bit down, and decided to go to the Heavenly place to find Joy. and greatly, it brighten up my day with laughter and fun. :D we can't stop fighting, but it was fun. Idiot and i have made Siti angry, and we never fail to cheer her up again. (: that's how wonderful we three are. non of us can really get angry with one another. LOL. ((: played with water, knock on the head when seeing taxi, made a fool out of ourselves in the bus stop, laughed, joked, teased and soo much fun. (:

Overall, thanks to Siti and Idiot to make my monday a beautiful one.


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