Engine Mathematics Paper DOWN

one paper down. and guess wad? i always thought my paper starts on Tuesday, but i was dumb. okay, i don't deny. HA. its on MONDAY oh man. i know it only yesterday night. oh man~ i was dumb. HAHA. but still managable! (: plenty of matrices! HAHA. but greatly, one paper down.

i was actually quite nervous this morning. cuz i was still quite shock that paper starts today. HA. and after bath, i locked myself inside my room, and i read thought the notes that i took when pastor was preeching last saturday. (: i felt less tense and then, i talk to Daddy. i told Him to bless me today with plenty of easy questions. and less careless mistake. and make sure i pass today. (: and yes, He never fail to hear my prayers. (:

i know, ive wore the shoe of peace and i shall walk with victory! =D
with the shoe of peace, i'll crash down devil! (: AMEN

and Daddy, i won't worry anything with You around. i know You've planned everything for me and You'll bring the right one, at the right time (: my lovely Father, i rest in Your arms. i know, i don't have **, but i have my handsome Jesus! AMEN!


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